Weekly Update – 09/12/2022

Hey folks, I hope that this Newsletter/Update finds you well. Thank you all for your continued support in reading and praying through these. Here’s a little update from us.

Apologies – Last Week’s Missing Update

Firstly, I’d like to apologise for missing last week’s update. My wife, children, and I, were away for a week in the North East to visit family and friends – to their surprise. With that said, we’ll include any updates from last week to this one you’re reading.

In Our Absence

While we were away, we were thrilled to hear of the saints in Downham continue and function without us. Jeff preached on Sunday from Mark 12, they gathered for fellowship around a meal for our monthly Bring & Share, and Sam Quinn taught on Wednesday for the Midweek Meeting, and throughout the week. Every time my phone had a notification from the church chat, my heart was delighted to read prayer requests and encouragement for one another – I’d love for us to abound and grow in this.

As a pastor, I don’t like the thought of being away from everyone as I’ve a responsibility to them. However, being away and knowing that the church functioned reminded me that, although I have a responsibility to the church, they are not mine – they belong to the Lord Jesus. This gives me confidence in that the Lord is in charge of us, and it’s by His grace we stand and continue – it’s not up to the church leadership (though the leadership play an important role). May the Lord Jesus continue to us all at Downham.

The Christmas Season

Christmas is usually a busy time for churches with various activities and events planned. At Downham, we don’t have much planned for the Christmas Season for the following reasons:

  • We’re currently low in numbers, meaning that we’re likely to overwork those who volunteer to help.
  • Most of our people are already busier than usual during this period of the year.
  • A few of the saints will be away visiting family in other places.
  • Tis’ the season of sicknesses – and so we want those who are unwell to recover.

Despite not having much planned, we will continue to gather for the purpose of worshipping the Lord Jesus in the teaching and preaching of His word, in praying together, in singing, and for communion. We do, however, have a Youth Christmas Party.

Update on Fellowship Outside Meetings

In the previous update (2 weeks ago), I mentioned that we want to make it a point to fellowship with one another outside of our formal meetings not to replace our Sunday Service or the Midweek Meeting, but to grow in what it means to live out the “One Another” principles in the New Testament.

In light of this, I’ve been meeting with some of the men from the church more regularly, and though I’ve purposed to bless them, truth be told they’ve blessed me more. If you would like to meet for Bible studies, for prayer, for fellowship, please let us know.

No Community Outreach for December

It feels very un-Christian to write this, but for the month of December, we do not have Community Outreach on Saturdays. Just to clarify, we still want the saints at Downham to share the Gospel every single day, taking every opportunity the Lord presents. Instead, for this month, we will be hosting weekly prayer mornings at our place (the Hipolito Household) – every Saturday in December at 10:30 AM.

This Weekend:

Saturday – There’s a Men’s Breakfast at 9:00 AM at the Church Building, Prayer Morning at 10:30 AM at the Hipolito’s Place, and the Youth Christmas Party at 2:00 PM back the Church Building.

Sunday – We look forward to gathering for the purpose of worshipping the Lord Jesus. We have our Small Groups at 10:30 AM, followed by our Worship Service at 11:30 AM which will include our monthly observation of the Lord’s Table/Supper – please plan on staying longer to participate this with us.

Prayer Requests:

  • The Youth Christmas Party
  • Heather’s recover after her operation on Monday just gone.
  • Our growth in grace as individuals as well as a community of believers.

That’s all for now folks. Thank you again for your continued support. We love you all in the Lord.


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